lørdag 28. juli 2012

The country of Marrachia

 Marrachia was originally a much smaller country, but during the last centuries it expanded its borders to the east and to the west where it met little resistance and quickly annexed the areas. Though the leaders of Marrachia have little control over the northwestern place, they still own it in the name.

 The country harbors a rather harsh hatred against magic anyone who uses magic. Though it hasn't been attacked by a wizard in a long time, it was totally devastated by magic users in a war a long time ago.

The survivors of said war survived thanks to inherent magic resistance and ability to spot magic. Fast forwarded today it means that there are very few magic users within the country, but very many who are able to fight against it.

The country is not at war against the Jawhanian empire, but there has been hostilities between them and they don't like eachother very much at the border.

At the northeast they do their best to protect the border against the constant onslaught of wild giants who constantly try to invade and tear their villages apart.

The country is divided into 6 different counties whereas each is controlled by a general. Each one has some responsibility of protecting the border against insurgents and invaders.

 The rule of the country is actually divided by the three upper generals who each have their base in the capitol. (the light green, teal and light blue counties.) They are the heads of the Red Cloaks which is a organization that is bent on hunting down any magic users as they see magic users as rather evil. The reasons may vary among the generals, but the result is the same.

onsdag 18. juli 2012

Jawhanian Empire

The Jawhanian empire is the country that has the biggest populace of all the countries in this world. The flat landscape allows the people to grow big crops of wheat and other things that can feed them. The long shore lines also allow for a lot of fishing and trade as well.

It has trade with the surrounding countries, though the mountains and desert to the north makes a natural border towards Marrachia whereas the border to the south is blocked mostly by the mountains there. There is little contact with the elves to the east, though there are some garrisons posted alongside the border.

The capitol is placed in the middle of the country, bordering two rivers on each side.

The country is ruled by the divine emperor Jawhan and the High king. (Basically, no one sees the emperor and the High Kings acts in his stead. Kinda like how the German-Roman Emperor was chosen by god, except here it is the high king who is chosen by the victor of the Wizard wars.)

The mountains to the north is said to be populated by angels. Though generally treated as divine, they are in fact descendants of Midas creations.

The country is divided up into various counties whereas each is ruled by a governor.