fredag 3. januar 2020

The Ogre Inn - Encounter

This is just an idea I've been bouncing around in my head. It is open for discussion and further work:
As the party travels along the road, they come to realize that it is getting dark/bad weather etc.
A quick search around the area reveals an odd collection of very large rocks in the shape of a house.

If the party ventures closer they will see that a tree with its bark peeled off has been placed above a cave entrance. Upon the tree someone has carved deep with a crude tool (or a large fingernail) the word "in" and what appears to be a bed.
Within the "house" they see a fireplace, and some piles of moss that is supposed to be makeshift beds.
Upon the side of the wall they see another crude sign: "Pay fod." A crude wooden table seems to be the place to leave anything of value.

How the encounter can go:
- Players leave rations or saved food upon the table. (Create food spell or good berry will count as well.)
if the food is over a certain amount (discretion of DM) the night pass without trouble. The party wakes up rested and sees that the food is gone.
-If one of the players is awake, hold guard or pretends to sleep, they might notice that a boulder will shift and a hand will reach out and grab the food.
-If the players didn't leave any food and didn't have anyone stay awake to guard, a boulder will shift, an ogre will step and begin murder and eat the party.
I suppose a battle can be avoided if the party wakes up, dodges and gives the ogre their food with a good diplomacy check. A mediocre result can turn into one of the party being held hostage while the others have to find food, (or sneak in during night and save their friend while the ogre sleeps.)

Mashie the ogre. A female ogre with a broken arm. Figured out that it was easier to make food come to her than to chase down after sheep etc.
(Doesn't have to be an ogre. Can also be an ettin, hill giant or some other large creature.)
The inn consists of a large open space, an enclosed hidden space and a refuse pile inside the hidden
room where discarded bones and items are placed.
Some merchants might have gone missing over time and thus some bags of gold,+items of minor value can be expected.

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